How It Works

My Practice: I currently offer one to one counselling for adults (18+) in person at Muswell Health, a multidisciplinary Complementary Therapy Centre in central Muswell Hill, N10. I also offer on line sessions.

How I work: I am a relational integrative therapist. The relational part refers to the relationship between client and therapist. I am interested in getting to know you, to grapple together on the things that you find difficult and the things that you would like to be different. The integrative part means that depending on you and what you bring, I draw on different ways of understanding human experience to support our conversations. This may sometimes involve exploring links between your past and the present, to help bring your experiences, your thoughts and feelings into focus, to help support new awareness.

I won’t give you a diagnosis but I will provide a safe and confidential space for us to explore what is going on for you.

Practicalities: If you would like to arrange an initial session, please get in touch. In this first session we will explore what has led you to seek therapy now, some background information and your expectations. There is no commitment to ongoing work at this point. The main purpose of the initial meeting is to help both of us decide if this is a good fit.

If we decide to continue working together, we will agree a regular time to meet each week and for how many weeks. For short term therapy, I normally like to commit to 8 to 12 weeks or we can decide to keep it open ended with regular reviews as to where we are. All sessions last 50 minutes and cost £70 a session.